Friday 3 December 2010

Tips On Choosing A Wedding Videographer

Finding that perfect person to preserve your special day on video can be a daunting task. There are many things that you need to know before you write your name on that contract. Here are some suggestions for picking that perfect video that is just right for you.
  • Ask friends & family for referrals. People will talk loud & often about services they didn't like, but they don't talk often enough about those they did! Ask around, I'm sure you'll find a few people you know who were very happy with their videographers or other wedding/event vendors.
  • Search the internet - not just in your area, but surrounding areas as well. If you have a larger budget, you can even look national. Many vendors will travel as long as you pay their travel costs.
  • Look in magazines - although sometimes only the vendors with the large budgets advertise here. Many young or cost effective companies won't spend that much money on advertising, but their services are just as good. You will find some qualified leads here, though.
  • Compile a list of all videographers (or other vendors) that you feel could possibly be a good fit for your wedding. Don't worry about price, location or other factors at this point. Just list everyone that is a possibility.
  • Next you need to determine the factors (I suggest 3) that are most important to you & your fiancé. Some suggestions to think about are:
    • Local vendors only (they know the area best)
    • Quality of work
    • Style of video (ranges from documentary to MTV)
    • Personalities (you need to be comfortable with the people you hire)
    • Price
    • Years in business
    • Type of music used
    • How many cameras
    • Types of lighting & audio
    • Extra features (Love Story, Photo Montages, Recaps, etc)
    • Small business or large company
    • And many more.
  • Compare the companies on your list - look at websites & call or email them to determine how they fit with your 3 important factors.
  • Narrow down your list to 3-5 of your favorite vendors & make appointments to visit them & view more of their work. You will know right off the bat if you will mesh with the videographers. Make sure you are meeting at least one of the videographers that will be there on your wedding day. It's great if you get along with the owner of the company, but if you don't mesh with the one actually there on your wedding day, that could spell trouble. Also, ask to see a video that is in the specific style you like or at the location where your wedding will be. No 2 wedding videos are the same, but you want to see something that is at least close to what you will be getting.
  • Now you're ready to make your decision. Make sure once you decide you get them a deposit right away. Nothing is worse than getting your heart set on a vendor & then finding out it's too late & they are already booked!
Once you have made your decision following this guide, you can rest assured that the company you picked will deliver to you the video that you could already see in your mind. By Darcie King

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